••• Notice: Due to the increase of illness going around, the wine cup will not be shared at mass for a few weeks. •••
St. Mary’s Prayer List
Please pray for Jerry Scully, for those who are sick, unemployed, in need, & all families who are suffering in any way; from illness, cancer, uncertainty, & anxieties; Families & Friends, please pray the rosary.••• We are refreshing the names on this list to maintain accuracy. If you or someone you know would like to be included on the prayer list please notify us at bulletin@stmlys.diolcparish.org. Every 3 months we will refresh the names to stay current. •••
2025 Fish Fryder is Live!
2025 Fish Frynder is live! Go to: diolc.org/fishfrynder/
Date Change – Ladies Sodality Elections
The positions of President and Secretary are up for election this year. If you are interested in either position, please contact Linda Lochner 847-867-4941 or Vicki McGowan 608-547-2426. Voting will be held at the next meeting on Thursday, March 20th 1pm!
State Council Knights of Columbus
CHARITIES United in Charity RAFFLE, Tickets $5.00 each. 100% go to charities in Wisconsin! Drawing held Saturday, May 17th, 2025 at 7:15 PM at KI Convention Center, Green Bay Winners will be posted on the Wisconsin Knights of Columbus Website within 48 hours. Ticket Contact: Steve Powers 608-847-5117 / sdjwpowers@hotmail.com or Ted Czajkowski 847-721-3486 / tedczajkowski@netscape.net
Lenten Service & Events at St. Mary’s
Stations of the Cross: Every Friday after morning mass
Confessions: Addition to usual time, Tuesday 5:30 & Saturday 6:00pm, 8–8:30 Wednesday, Friday before daily mass, Special day of Confession For both CCD Children and adults Wednesday, March 19th 7–8pm
A Lenten Talk (Seven words of Jesus) by Dr. Sr. Lourthu Mary FMM Sunday April 13th 6–8pm
Palm Sunday Usual weekend mass time
Holy Thursday: April 17th, Mass 7pm
Good Friday: April 18th, Stations of the Cross 2:30pm, followed by Divine Mercy Chaplet, Good Friday Service 3pm
Holy Saturday: April 19th, 8:30pm
Easter Sunday: April 20th, Mass 9am & 1pm
Help Needed
We are looking for one or two people willing to assist with soliciting basket raffle items that are needed for our annual parish festival basket raffle from the community. If you are interested in assisting or have any questions please contact Linda Lochner.
Upcoming RCIA Classes
Do you know anyone interested in becoming a Catholic and joining the Church? For upcoming RCIA classes please contact Deacon Tom deacontomhale@gmail.com or the Parish Office 608-666-2421 to get started.
Parish Calendar
Some of you may have noticed that we now have a shared calendar on our website! You can find the “Parish Calendar” button on the HOME page, or you can find it located on the NEWS page, then select UPCOMING EVENTS. On this shared calendar will be mass times, scheduled parish meetings and other parish events.
St. Mary’s Jubilee History Book
The St. Mary’s Jubilee History Book is still available for $20 in the Narthex. This book is filled with inspiring photos, rich history and historic memories.
*Lentin resources are now available for adults & children*
Lentin Mite Boxes and Rice Bowls are available in the vestibule.