
Baptisms are celebrated during, and at the end of Mass on Sunday. Parents may request baptism for their child by calling the rectory to schedule an appointment. If you are uncertain about how to begin with Baptismal prep please contact the parish office. You don’t need to be a parishioner to receive the gift of baptism or offer it for your child. “Let the little children come to me,” Jesus says.


Couples requesting marriage in the Church should contact the parish office at least nine months prior to the anticipated date to schedule an initial interview for marriage preparations. Weddings are not celebrated during Advent or Lent.

Pastoral Care of the Sick

Individuals who are homebound and wish to receive Holy Communion should contact the rectory to be visited by a Eucharistic Minister. If you know of anyone who could use the Sacrament of Anointing, please contact the parish office to request a visit from Fr. Cryton Outschoorn.

New Parish Members

If you would like to become a member of our parish community, please contact the parish office to set up a time to meet. We are growing month by month and welcome all who want to experience God to the full.

Christian Initiation of Adults

Not part of a Church? Well, come one come all. We welcome and encourage anyone who wants to know more about the Catholic faith. We offer education and guidance for all those who are interested in joining the Church. Please call the rectory for information on our welcoming ministry.

For more information please CONTACT US.