Our Mission
The family of St. Mary’s of Lyndon Station, Wisconsin is a welcoming community of the Catholic faith united in Catholic tradition and growing in the spirit of Vatican II.
We come together at Liturgical and Sacramental celebrations to be nourished so we may respond to the gospel mission of Jesus Christ in our daily lives.
We strive as a Christian community and in our personal lives to serve God and all of His people, especially the poor.

Fr. Cryton Outschoorn
Rochelle Crowley
Pastoral Council
Jim Cauley (Chair)
Jeanette Crowley (Secretary)
Deacon Tom Hale
Jerome Senzig
Joan Holig McCormick
Thaddeus Czajkowski
Finance Council
Sheri Guyse (Chair)
Vicki McGowan (Secretary)
Tanya Walsh-Lahen
Mick McCormick
Garrett Madland
Sacred Worship Committee
Deacon Tom Hale
Larry Mueller
Sheri Guyse
Brian Fox
Dennis Franek
Linda Lochner
Jade Pusel
Cemetery Committee
Jim McGowan Jr.
Matt McGowan
Dennis Franek
Rodney Senzig
Tom Guyse
Buildings & Grounds Committee
John Pody
Dennis Franek
Jerome Senzig
Pat Mitchell
Dick Domke
Jim Crowley
Jim Cauley
Matt Leja