••• Notice: Due to the increase of illness going around, the wine cup will not be shared at mass for a few weeks. •••

St. Mary’s Prayer List

Please pray for Jerry Scully, for those who are sick, unemployed, in need, & all families who are suffering in any way; from illness, cancer, uncertainty, & anxieties; Families & Friends, please pray the rosary.••• We are refreshing the names on this list to maintain accuracy. If you or someone you know would like to be included on the prayer list please notify us at bulletin@stmlys.diolcparish.org. Every 3 months we will refresh the names to stay current. •••

St. Mary’s Jubilee History Book

The St. Mary’s Jubilee History Book is still available for $20 in the Narthex. This book is filled with inspiring photos, rich history and historic memories.

Save the Date! Men of the Cross

Forgiveness and Freedom| Will be held March 8, 2025 at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in La Crosse. We are excited to have Bob Kroll as our keynote speaker and Mass with Bishop Battersby. More information is coming soon!

Upcoming Central Wisconsin Retrouvaille \Retro- vī\Marriage Help Program

Retrouvaille has been a lifeline for marriages for over 45 years. Whether a couple has drifted apart, separated, or even divorced, this 3-phase program offers hope for all who want to restore their marriages and rebuild loving relationships. Affordable, Catholic in origin and open to couples of all faiths, the next program begins with a weekend stay in Wausau area February 14-16, 2025. For local info and fully confidential registration call: 877-922-HOPE (4673). More at HelpOurMarriage.org.

Healing Service at Sacred Hearth Catholic Church in Cashton March 3

You are invited to a Healing Service on Monday, March 3 at Sacred Hearth Catholic Church, Cashton. This special evening offers an opportunity to experience God’s grace through prayer, worship, and individual prayer ministry. All are welcome to attend. 4:30pm – Adoration and Confession, 5:30pm Mass, 6pm Corporate Prayer for Healing, 7pm Individual Healing Ministry, 9pm Closing. Feel free to join as your schedule allows as times are approximate. For more information contact: Sara Clements 608-385-5283

Calix – A Catholic Substance Abuse Recovery Support Group

Calix is an association of Catholics wanting to live free of addiction to alcohol or drugs, and it is also for affected family members. It is not a substitute for AA or Al-Anon, which are strongly recommended, but it provides a Catholic perspective for these 12-step programs. “Calix” is Latin for “chalice,” and it was founded in Minneapolis, MN in 1947 by a group of five men, all recovering alcoholics, who saw their Catholic faith as a sure path to serenity without alcohol. If you are interested in more information about a Calix group forming in the Diocese of La Crosse, email Christine at healthandharmonywi@gmail.com.

Upcoming RCIA Classes

Do you know anyone interested in becoming a Catholic and joining the Church? For upcoming RCIA classes please contact Deacon Tom deacontomhale@gmail.com or the Parish Office 608-666-2421 to get started.

Parish Calendar

Some of you may have noticed that we now have a shared calendar on our website! You can find the “Parish Calendar” button on the HOME page, or you can find it located on the NEWS page, then select UPCOMING EVENTS. On this shared calendar will be mass times, scheduled parish meetings and other parish events.

ACH Giving

St. Mary’s offers automatic transfers via ACH from your bank account for your giving! There are forms in the vestibule. All you have to do is fill one out, include it with a voided check and drop it in the collection basket or send it to the parish office. You’ll never have to remember to bring an offering envelope to Mass again! You can also cancel, skip, or modify donations at any time. Contact the parish office for more information | Phone: 608-666-2421 or Email: office@stmlys.diolcparish.org

Jubilee Year 2025 Decree