St. Mary’s Parish
2025-2027 Parish Painting Restoration Project

This year we have committed to continue restoring and revitalizing our beloved church building, a sacred space that has served generations of worshippers. Over time, our building has experienced natural wear and tear, and we now embark on a painting restoration project to ensure its beauty and functionality for the future.

Together after consultation and meeting with the Parish Council, Finance Council and the Buildings and Ground Committee, we’ve decided that we would like to move forward with the Parish Painting Project over the next three year period. Our parish received some generous donations recently to put toward this project which has now made it possible for us to start getting bids and putting together project timelines. After careful consideration we have decided to move forward with Church Interiors Inc who is the nation’s leading church remodeling, restoration and renovations specialist. They come highly recommended to us by other parishes in the Diocese including Mauston, Elroy and Sparta.

With this movement forward we will need assistance from the members of our congregation to help pay for the costs of the project that haven’t already been covered by previous donors. We are asking for assistance over a three year period to help cover the costs of painting, any wall restoration and labor. One of the ways you can help with this project is to sponsor a pew. The large pews will be offered for $2800 apiece and smaller pews will be $1400. In return, donors will receive a plaque inscription on the pew they sponsor. We ask that you fill out the enclosed card with the amount you are able to pledge in donations toward this project to be paid out over a three year period.

For better understanding of what is being painted and the associated costs, we’ve listed out the items and the projected estimates:

Painting / Restoration of the Stations of the Cross: $289,200
New Pews: $156,300
Anticipated Total Cost: $445,500
Anticipated Secured Funds: $215,500
Money to be Raised: $230,000

Together, let us work to ensure that our church remains a beautiful and welcoming sanctuary for generations to come, and a testament to our faith and commitment to our community.

In Christ,
Fr. Cryton Outschoorn together with the Project Committee: Sheri Guyse, Jim Cauley & Tanya Walsh-Laehn

Church InteriorThis rendering is not the final design, but rather an initial prototype only. Final image may change over the course of the project. There is a larger version of the initial design prototype which will be displayed in the back of Church with more detail.